Dienstag, November 27, 2007

Große Antarktiskarte online

==> http://lima.usgs.gov/

3 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Ich wünsche einen wunderschönen und besinnlichen Adventssonntag.
Liebe Grüsse von ULI!

Anonym hat gesagt…

I am a teacher in Buffalo, Minnesota, USA. We have been watching rockhopper penguins on a webcam at a zoo. One egg hatched and so we have been watching the chick develop each day. Today the webcam isn't working and we found your site in a google search. How awesome to see the gentoos in their real habitat! When do you think eggs will start to hatch? We would love to watch. We are studying all types of penguins we can learn about this year. Unfortunately I know only a touch of German from my grandparents and can't read the blog. God Bless!

M. Grund hat gesagt…

Hello Teach,

thank's a lot for this interesting feedback! Expect the hatching of the first penguin chick in the "tele view nest" between christmas and new year.
First egg was laid at 25 november. Incubation time is about 36 days.

By the way: try to translate the blog with Google Translation Tools, it will give you an idea what the blog articles are about...
